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Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Apple iOS 5 Official Demonstration
Check out the official demonstration for Apple iOS 5 for iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad
"how can we make the user experience even easier..." " we created a BRAND new way to handle them" = Notification bar
and and seriously "Brand new way ?" this has been in android for years ...
when android did it they say it suck but now when apple did it they are like "WOOOOOOOOOOW SO AWESOMEEEEEEEE "
ps3hnakhi 3 hours ago
kinda copies the android and windows apple ur some booppers
wasek1972 12 hours ago
ROTFL moment : 4:17 "iOS is the world's most popular gaming platform" !!!!!!! :D :D
alaandawod 19 hours ago
Lol, you've stolen some stuff from android..
Great job apple
St3eF7 2 days ago
Apple started all this, All Android did was cram a whole bunch of little tweaks and side things. Widgets, that's all Android is. With Apple on the other hand are getting more creative, iCloud, a new beta, and doing other things that are making Apple even better. WOW! Apple copied a notification bar. Android stole Apple's whole theme.
When Android makes a new Os version, do they have this many people making vids abt it, or getting excited abt it? I didnt think so. Apple rules!!!! Now GTFO LOL
2008C6Vette 3 days ago
@2008C6Vette Do your research kid.
w0sh1m3 1 day ago
This video is a shame. iOS 5 clearly contains parts of other mobile-device softwares (espacially android for example). And Apple earns a rough laugh for trying to tell us that they (and leading to this - their ideas) revolutionize the "mobile-device world".
videojunkie02 4 days ago
i love 116 people here!!!
theshamu11 4 days ago
they copied android....the notification bar which requires one to slide it down, android came up with that first
X3freako 4 days ago
apple = fail
mattd28 4 days ago
This has been flagged as spam show
iosudidactivation 4 days ago
Seriously, besides performance has been optimized I don't see a significant change on IOS 5, Basically they just implemented easier ways to access shortcut keys, I don't understand, apple doesn't have app to customize their shortcut keys? Like Android they have "Swipe pad", and other customizable lockscreen.. oh well, overall i think they just want to emphasize that IOS 5 best features are all these shortcut keys they enabled.
aNXie1y 5 days ago
Wait a minute.... Isn't that the Android OS??? Also isnt that the Auto Update on Android?? As for the twitter? Android has been doing that long ago....LOL...OMG!! They claim to have a Full Browser...Ha Ha Ha but it cant play Flash Content within the Browser....LOL!!!! Yo Apple People... give your heads a shake, open your eyes, take the blinders off and look around.....
erwin15erwin 5 days ago
what game is that? :]
TheUREXCinema 5 days ago
Hmm, I've seen every of these "revolutionary Features" on my Samsung Galaxy S. Some by using external Apps (Like Widget Locker or similar for Camera-App out of the Lockscreen, Image cropping and Editing with Photo Editor [out of the Samsung Apps] or ADOBE Photoshop [yeah, Adobe, the same Company that brought Flash to most Android Devices using OS Version 2.2 or higher but not on iDevices]), some build in (Notification Bar, "News stand" Design in the Aldiko eBook Reader) and so on. No characters.
xpectthedeath 5 days ago
HAHA Apple is best
MrSuperblackhawk 5 days ago
Haha, so long as there are new features that work well and are useful, it's cool.
DeathXSentence 5 days ago
iOS 5 has over 200 new features, and the Android fanboys claim iOS 5 copied Android in everyway.
SmellsLikeNirvanna 5 days ago
@SmellsLikeNirvanna its already been jailbreaked , fail lol
Babasaurusrex 5 days ago
@Babasaurusrex Lol i have a jailbroken iphone with intelliscreen, its horrible, hard to use, always crashes. Having it natively on the OS is way better than a 3rd party function.
SmellsLikeNirvanna 5 days ago
i seriously do not find apple's products are that "revolutionary" ...
glisenti516 5 days ago
i flagged this video as a scam and fraud. you should too.
AmEyeBeeJay 5 days ago
"with the ipad we invented a new category"
> Microsoft tablet 3(or 4) years earlier
Wurminfektion 5 days ago
- Copy Features from Android
Oh Apple, are you even trying?
Morvannion 5 days ago
all these stuff r android stuff.....
google and android should sew apple for copyrights !!!
why cant anyone f***ing stop apple ???
apple is just hopeless...while people think android is just trying to copy apple....think again apple fanboys....
and the split keyboard is windows 8 stuff....f*** you apple
3DK1000 5 days ago
all these stuff r android stuff.....
google and android should sew apple for copyrights !!!
why cant anyone f***ing stop apple ???
apple is just hopeless...while people think android is just trying to copy apple....think again apple fanboys
3DK1000 5 days ago
all these stuff r android stuff.....
google and android should sew apple for copyrights !!!
why cant anyone f***ing stop apple ???
3DK1000 5 days ago
@5:30,they were saying that they look at every corner of the os and think how they can make it better, i think the engineers must be telling each other, lets start copying what other companies and make it revolutionary...
holybun 5 days ago
Ok guys, although i agree that the "pull-down bar" is just an android rip-off. I just want to remind you that we should not overlook the other new features that are original to the Apple devices.
ooxDLxoo 6 days ago
@ooxDLxoo What features exactly? Twitter integration - been part of Android for a while along with Facebook, and any other service's app you install, split Keyboard on tablets - both in Windows 8 and Android with custom keyboards for a while now, cloud syncing? In Android since day 1. screen sharing? With DLNA and UPnP support, been doing it from my Samsung Android phone for a year now... I'm truly disappointed in Apple, but at least this marks the beginning of the real mobile OS wars.
NetHunter 5 days ago
Mein Gott regt euch doch alle nicht so auf ' Androide hat halt das beste Benachrichtungssystem..... Und so ähnlich ist es nun auch nicht . PS : ich habe einen Androiden also bitte keine Apple Fanboy Kommentare
ThaGerO 6 days ago
" It's now possible to BUY an ipad, iphone or ipod touch, NEVER own a Computer "
Well... for me is " It's now possible to BUY a computer, android or any newest device that's more innovative without copying others, NEVER EVER own a apple product."
csdk 6 days ago
Now I get how the iOS users feel when Android picks up design cues.
However Google never said those features where unique to Android.
Shame on you to the darkest of cold caves, Apple.
Djhg2000 6 days ago
O.O Did i even see the three short grey lines at the scroll down bar, which i have EXAKTLY designed like that on my Android Gingerbread ?! (and also in the Versions before...)
Matezeka 6 days ago
Comment removed
rudolferlen 6 days ago
it's awesome ,,great
ZINC1440 6 days ago
I love how they can still make fun of themselves. "Brand new never before seen notification system"
FPRobber 6 days ago 2
No Flash?! GTFO!
TechnoBaseFanSenne 6 days ago
Apple ist einfach die Innovation verloren gegangen. Android ist offen und wird ununterbrochen weiterentwickelt. Da kommt Apple einfach nicht mit und versucht jetzt durch kopieren aufs gleiche Level zu kommen- ARMSELIG vor allem weil sie se mal wieder in ihrer Arroganz als die größe Neuerung verkaufen...
MrRayie 6 days ago
Good iOS 5. Revolutionary
freedens 6 days ago
@freedens Or just Android fake
CuriousGuy95 6 days ago
uhuu.. und android (google) hat ja überhaupt keine features von iOS kopiert.. neiiin... -.-
the0movie0maker 6 days ago
this makes the fight with samsung look like a volleyball game.
Apple. You SUCK so much.
MoonyStorm 6 days ago 3
all of them features they have added to their new ios is just copied straight from android, the "notification centre" come on, don't be so ridiculous, and I'm using a split keyboard on my android tablet right now ... its also not the biggest gaming platform, that's just a stupid comment. ofcourse apple fanboys will. be straight on this saying apple are gods or some crap, they should just see the comparisons to android ...
CoRyDoR123 6 days ago 3
"We are constantly challenging ourselves to ....Copy and Copy"
jacksonlcg 6 days ago
LoooooooooL when he said "Taken an OS that was already years ahead".
fcroel 6 days ago
make a better player youtube videos....
TheNitrohp 6 days ago
okay, the first part of the video really ticked me off. the notifications panel is very definitely from android. they could have at least changed the way it was showed.. but no! gonna swipe it down just like on an android phone =.=
but ....the rest of the features were pretty cool. so ditch the notifications idea, or at least tweak it so that people don't think of android every time we see it.
JetBlackRain 6 days ago
what a bunch of copycats....
Wurzelzwerg1212 6 days ago
apple kicked android and windows agine loooooooool
MrFal911 6 days ago
Now that the features in iOS5 are so great it is the time to get the iPad2!
schecterguitarsfan 6 days ago
IOS is so bad, nearly everything new is Copied from Android....
Fuck apple, the talk about new features, but Android have this features at least 2 years !
Thumbs up!
Risefreak1 6 days ago 3
Notification Bar : geklaut von Android
Tab Browsing : geklaut von Android
neue Tastatur: geklaut von Hp touchpad
Gerfame86 6 days ago
80% of Apple's employee are hired for sue ing purpose
SquidKhaw 6 days ago
Hey on 2.28 the model wrote " Beats a Desk "Job" !! " how's that??!! hahahaha
SquidKhaw 6 days ago
Apple fanboy will eat this up. Even if they release shit they will eat it up. :O
iceanimator 6 days ago
I love wifi sync!!! :D
GelberFisch8 6 days ago
I hope google sue them for every penny....
GrannySkank 6 days ago
endlich ist es da!!!!
genaaau das was ich beim kauf meines iphone 3g auch schon erwartet habe:(
aber ich hoffe, es ist bis schulschluss 2011 da!!
hejjulian 6 days ago
coby past from android -_-
but the notification bar look good
VanFaisal1994 6 days ago
coby past from android -_-
but the notifications bar looks good
VanFaisal1994 6 days ago
coby past from android -_-
VanFaisal1994 6 days ago
well, after these features in the iphone, Im sure that google will respond by creating MAGIC for the android
mbassri 1 week ago
اخيرا ضبطو النظام
وارخو الحبل شوي من ناحية الاحتكارية
xMajo00odx 1 week ago
I'm an iPhone 4 user, I'm neutral, I agree that apple borrowed the notifications idea from android and they deserve criticism for not introducing that earlier, however, I still give them FULL credit for revolutionizing the smart phone industry, we also can't compare Android and iOS, both are unique in their own way, I will stick with the iPhone as I own a mac, thus it makes my workflow easier, People will prefer Android because they have their valid reasons and I don't criticize them.
wayneczx06 1 week ago
Umm, I'm actually happy that we're getting features that are on Android.
Dosycool1 1 week ago
"moving it ahead"? more like catchup w HTC Sense + Android. Locked screen message? lol. let the lawsuits begin.
wish Android competitors can a device that matches the iphone for its UI smoothness and copy paste.
WoodlandSpore 1 week ago 3
anyone mind if i burn them? they copied the androids lock screen htc sense's lock screen, blackberrys instant messaging aparently... also, THEY DID NOT CREATE THE FUCKING TABLET CATEGORY, ANYONE HEARD OF WINDOWS TABLETS.? ... and that urganomic keybord which is split up.. yeah yeah, thats stolen from windows.. over the air updates where on EVERYTHING since 1905, and has noone realised how they take everyone elses idea and put an I and say ITS NEW ITS OUR IDEA NOT THEIRS
siblin12 1 week ago 6
"We looked in every corner of the OS and asked ourself what we can copy from other os/apps there" FAIL Apple....
CherryCokeV2 1 week ago 3
its OK to copy the competition but don't bad mouth them or try to sue them from now on apple, its just silly at this point.
MrLou2serious 1 week ago
eugn86 1 week ago
Is that an Android??? :)
hheellllooYT 1 week ago
if apple can sue samsung for copying the looks then now microsoft can sue apple for copying their split keyboard
logankipgen 1 week ago
great new features!kinda sad that apple copied android a bit though.
mavetopgear 1 week ago
so androidish
f4ndhy 1 week ago
doesn't matter who copied who as long as nobody is suing , since in the end its the consumer who gains the most out of it .
zfjquery 1 week ago
eh android?
obc993 1 week ago
Apple should of did something new for notifications because ripping off Android and then suing Samsung/HTC for patent infringements just to get to Android, i used to respect Apple for iOS, now i'm glad i have an Android device since i will be having what iOS is going to have in the next year or two. Android FTW!
johnnieares93 1 week ago
sounds to me like they playing catch up with android and wp7... (less on the wp7)
oksu132 1 week ago
After 5 iterations they've finally added proper tab browing and caching, as well as other innovations by android. and they have the decency to call it "putting themselves even further ahead" when in reality they are cathing up. good job apple you guys are so innovative.
albusfr 1 week ago
wtf! clearly android lol!
FlyYouFools88 1 week ago
wtf! clearly am
FlyYouFools88 1 week ago
We "invented" a whole new category? Really!?
code933k 1 week ago
1:58 -> I heard him saying it syncs with iCow. Oh yea, I want some milk please.
Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh 1 week ago
ap1970 1 week ago 2
Sorry, I also thumbed down because of apple copying on android.
Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh 1 week ago
Looks like im getting an ice cream sandwich Nexus 3
kazzemg 1 week ago
Fanboy-ism aside, Apple clearly copied key android features with this IOS update, and this is the same kind of copying they are suing Samsung for! Crazy!
doug3673 1 week ago 2
ios 5 use notification bar like android ?!
ZhunLoveTaeyeon 1 week ago
But how long until the jailbreak???
video45000 1 week ago
@minipcpro, I thumbed down not because of the channel but because of the blatant android copying in the new iOS. Keep up the good work guys
irishgandalf757 1 week ago 36
@irishgandalf757 hey no problem mate. i can understand that and believe me, i am shocked what Apple did last night, especially after all these lawsuits in the last couple of weeks.
minipcpro 1 week ago 24
@minipcpro I was watching the first 40 secs n i saw the swipe down feature... i was ... wtf isnt that an android feature? Then my sister brings out her iPod Touch 4 and her Tattoo (custom 2.3 droid on it) and we took a look.
Must be taking a page out of Bill's book all those years back when he stole the GUI. BTW is the alarm cloak working yet?
ig33ku 1 week ago
@irishgandalf757 ahahahahahaa your a retard, you make it sound as if Android never copied Apple.
SmellsLikeNirvanna 5 days ago
200 new features? Windows phone have 500!
MrPspmaniac1 1 week ago
meh... It looks to be now what it should have been all along.. Still copied a lot from android and Windows 8 with the split keyboard thing. Unless that was just a big coincidence. Overall, bravo apple for finally picking up the pace with the competition but do I want to buy an Ipad? NO...Because the tablet market is going to get more and more complex and diverse and in 6months to a year, I think we'll see some irresistible tegra 3 action-Quad Core--which will drive down prices of other tablets.
ecm86 1 week ago
can ios 5 install on ipad 1st version ????
shaldin95 1 week ago
You pull down and then you can see your notifications? You mean JUST like in Android? -.-
toshineon 1 week ago
Say what ever you want to say but apple is better
mbagala1 1 week ago
Explain, fanboy.
wiigamer136 1 week ago
Lol, Android had all of these for years already.
kenshin304 1 week ago 10
How can we make IOS better... borrow parts from android? not saying that's a bad thing cos I love android so roll on IOS 5 :)
evilbobbins 1 week ago
What's about Bluetooht Transfers? Or RADIO FM??? COME ON.
okusai3000 1 week ago
Can't believe they really copied androids notification pull down bar and call it the "new productivity"... You guys suck. Hope there will be some patent wars going on...
burnt2004 1 week ago 38
@burnt2004 There is gonna be loads!!
evilbobbins 1 week ago
@burnt2004 Android copied Apple iOS in first place
AlfnnanVip 1 week ago
@burnt2004 Copied the feature and made the UI better. Seems legit to me. I'd rather have an iphone.
JamesManes 1 week ago
@burnt2004 Patent wars? Apple has them all! Android is Open Source, they have nothing on apple :S
MattDaPcWiz 6 days ago
I cant wait!!!
NoxNoctisUmbra 1 week ago
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Tanglin Mall Flooded in Singapore
Singapore is known for being a very developed country. However, a few occurrences of major flood had pissed the citizens off. There were huge damages dealt to the shops at the most concentrated shopping district.
The previous minister announced a year ago that it was a once-in-a-fifty-years incident. The current minister claimed that the recent floods were caused by nature. There was also blame on the citizens for littering as well.
There is a joke among the common people that every Singaporean has aged over 100 years over this two years with the numerous of major flooding incidents in the shopping heaven.
Some people claim that the floods are caused by the over-digging of soil for underground MRT, while others say it's because of the new buildings that have taken over the fields, which could have helped to contain the water. There are also numerous of comments on all the forums that the flood is caused by the beautiful Marina Barrage, which is a dam to separate the Singapore River's water from the sea water. They believe that since most of the land water is flowing into the Singapore River, the Marina Barrage will cause the slow inflow of water and thus creating the flood issues.
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