Tuesday, March 15, 2011

4Minute - Hot Issue dance steps version 2

"i actually really like the clothing owo; .. it's cute and it stands out [: !"

"WOW!! i wanna dance like that too.. haha~!!"

"wow they're really good =D"

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Towels and Code


I thought the video title said Towels and Chode. D:

how could it not the dam women was naked

you're boring. but my mom likes you.

it says sluts when you turn the subtitles on. I lolled pretty hard...

you really want to know, probably wipping up something that came out of me!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Quicker Way!


@cjr1881 Good for you. Now crawl back into shithole from where you came

I hate all chinese so I cant't even see a contest at all

I was gonna write something about your butt but it made me seem like a pervert

my vid " teen job application funny  "

Body bopping is your sex.

I just can't believe you've been to Argentina and I've missed it D: